
A Taxpayer

  • Is not dependent on us--
    • We are dependent on him.
  • Is not an interruption of our work
    • He is the purpose of it...
  • Is doing us a favor by letting us serve his needs.
  • Is not an outsider to our business--
    • He is a part of it.
  • A TAXPAYER is the most important person in the world to us.
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  • (click image above to access county newspaper)

Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you

Tammy Braudaway



Phone: 830-780-2431
Fax: 830-780-4530

Email Address: tammy.braudaway@co.karnes.tx.us

Office Location:

200 E. Calvert Ave., #3
Karnes City, Texas 78118

Hours of Operation:

8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Tax Office/Auto Department (Open During Lunch)
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Title Department


 Courtesy, efficiency, and service with a smile are the main requirements of this office.

  • Calculates property tax rates for the county and most entities we collect for 

    Collects property taxes for the county (may collect for cities, schools and other local taxing entities)

    Processes motor vehicle title transfers; issue motor vehicle registration and licenses

    Collects various other fees for the state and county

  • 2025 Karnes County Holiday Schedule


    The Karnes County Tax/DMV Office will close at 9:30 AM on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 due to an employee's immediate family member funeral. We will re-open at 1:00 PM to serve the public. Thank you for your understanding sorry for any inconvenience.

  • To provide quality service to all citizens, taxing jurisdictions and their constituents.

    To be fiscally responsible to the tax payers and entities of Karnes County.

    To continuously evaluate and improve the ways this office conducts business.

    To create an environment conducive for employee growth and well-being.

  • Click on image below to access our feedback form.


    • All of the 2024 tax statements have been mailed. If you have not received all of yours, please call and we will verify your address and mail you a statement.
    • Per 31.031, if you are over 65 years old and qualified for a homestead or disabled Veteran, you can make your tax payments in 4 equal payments with the 1st one being made by January 31. This must be setup by January 31 in order to make the 4 payments without P&I. The due dates for the remaining 3 payments are March 31, May31 and July 31. If payments are late, penalty and interest will apply.
    • All of the 2024 tax statements are due by January 31, 2025 unless the parcel is in the 1/2 payment or 1/4 payment status.
    • 1/2 payment is for any taxpayer, any type of property. Half is due by November 30 and the remaining is due no later than June 30.
    • 1/4 payments are only for overage or disabled on their homestead only.
    • If you need any exemptions, please see the appraisal district or you may call them at (830) 780-2433. This includes your over 65 for your homestead.
    • If you have multiple Owner ID numbers, they may all be paid with the same check. Be sure to write your Owner ID number in the memo area on your check.
  • You may pay in person, online, through mail, drive thru or by drop box. More information on the payment options are below.
    • The type of payments that this office accepts are checks, cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Debit cards and cashier check. 

      *There will be a convenience fee for using a credit/debit card.

    • Payments may be mailed to:

      Karnes County Tax Office

      200 E Calvert Ave #3

      Karnes City, Texas 78118

      *We do honor postmarks.

    • Drive-Thru Hours of Operation:

      8:15 AM to 12:00 PM

      2:00 PM to 4:30 PM

      The drop box is located in the back of the building in the drive-thru.


  • Our office stops processing DMV title transactions at 4:00 PM.

    Motor Vehicle Registration:

    State law requires you to register and title your vehicle. You may renew your registration at our office location or you may renew it online.

    In person renewal:

    Remember to send your green registration renewal form when your registration is being renewed. If a person not listed on the title is picking up the registration, they must have it or a signed permission slip with a copy of ID to purchase registration.

    Online renewal:

    You may renew your registration online by visiting the TxDMV Vehicle Registration Renewal webpage.